Do you know what the sugar content is in your favorite drinks and foods? Many people drink and eat more sugar than they realize, so it’s important to understand how much of the sweet stuff is in the foods and drinks you consume. Luckily, your dentist in Hermiston is here… Read More…
Did you know that using a straw to drink some of your favorite beverages can actually help your teeth? Even though this little trick may seem silly, your dentist in Hermiston knows just how much of an impact choosing a straw instead of sipping straight from a cup can have… Read More…
Whenever a patient is diagnosed with a cavity that needs a filling, it’s common that they’ll have several questions for their dentist in Hermiston. We’re often asked things like, “Does getting a filling hurt?”, “How long will it take?”, and “How long will it last?” Today, we want to tackle… Read More…
The sound of snoring at night can keep both the snorer and others in the house from getting a full night of sleep. But did you know that snoring can actually affect both your overall health and oral health? In fact, while snoring is one of those things that may… Read More…
June plays host to Father’s Day every year. But June is also known as Men’s Health Month, which is a time to bring awareness to the importance of routine doctor appointments for all men. After all, men are less likely to get regular checkups with their medical doctor as well… Read More…
You may have seen recent articles saying that you no longer need to floss your teeth as there isn’t enough evidence to show that flossing helps reduce the risk of cavities. So does that mean you can toss the floss and forget about daily flossing forever? Your dentist in Hermiston… Read More…
National Women’s Health Week is celebrated the entire week of Mother’s Day and is led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. Its purpose is to remind women and girls of all ages to make their health a priority. Your dentist in Hermiston wants… Read More…
We all know that 2020 had its fair share of hardships and “new normals.” Between shutdowns and school closures, we all had to pivot away from life as we knew it. Your dentist in Hermiston was no different. Patients stopped coming to the dentist, perhaps because we may have been… Read More…
When it comes to our health, nobody wants to hear the big ‘C’ word — Cancer. While this disease can affect anywhere in the body, one of the harder types of cancer to diagnose early is oral cancer. However, early diagnosis is key to treating oral cancer successfully and increasing… Read More…
Whether you chip your molar on a hidden popcorn kernel or have an unexpected accident that breaks a front tooth, you’ll want to get seen by your dentist in Hermiston sooner rather than later. Early treatment is the best way to fix a cracked tooth before it has a chance… Read More…